Friday, September 07, 2007

Pick of the Week: Baby Mohr 15 weeks

So we had a little scare with the baby last week. There is a small placental abruption, a condition where part of the placenta has pulled away from the uterine wall. I went on bed rest for about a week, and went back to the doctor on Wednesday. The abruption is healing and they said everything should be fine. I just have to take it easy, no bull fighting or sumo wrestling in my near future. Although this experience has been a little frightening, so much good is coming out of it. We've gotten to see the baby a lot lately due to the formal ultrasounds to check the health of the baby, (pictures below) and we have been met with "a hurricane of love." (quote from Elizabethtown) Family and friends from church and work are loving on us well. Bringing us food and movies, sitting with me while I was "chained" to the couch, and tons of calls and emails. If I haven't gotten thank you in person yet, "THANK YOU." Tim and I feel very loved and connected. We hope to be able to pour out the love on others the way we have been loved this last week and half.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oh Bai, that is so cool. That is a real baby inside you. Oh my gosh, how precious.