Friday, August 29, 2008

Sitting up and Cutting Teeth

Before we get started with this presentation, I really need to go get this tub of A and D ointment.
And I need to check my self out in the mirror...  I have two bottom teeth coming in.   You can just see them poking out...
I love A and D ointment!  It is really good stuff.  It comes in this big tub with a bright orange lid, and I can't get enough of it!
I just love this stuff.  I have to put it in my mouth.
What?  Oh yeah!  I'm here to tell everyone something....
I can sit up!  Isn't that great?  Have a happy Labor Day Weekend!  My mommy and daddy started dating 6 years ago on this weekend.  And now they have a baby who can sit up.  Crazy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Arie Alex: 5 Months

This update is a little late, but I'm a busy girl!  So here it is....
The biggest move I'm made yet....
All the way around...
I can roll over!  
I'm so proud of my self.  I just roll across the room now, whenever I feel like it!
When I get tired I just put some tool in my mouth and rest.  But this is the beginning of my dancing career.  Everyone who danced had to roll over first!

Daddy and I play "Patti-Cake" with my feet....  And I stick out my tongue 
Daddy gives me kisses..... And I stick out my tongue.
What? If you were fun, you would stick out your tongue more too!
Daddy makes me laugh....  And I stick out my tongue.
I throw my foot up in the air.... And I stick out my tongue.  It is one of my favorite new tricks to spit everywhere by blowing raspberries.  I'm so talented.  Rolling over... Sticking out my tongue... Posting my own blogs.... :P

Friday, August 15, 2008

Pick of the Week: Paris Hilton Runs For US President

So I have to give it to her, Paris nailed the kind of humor we need during this election season. Those crazy presidential candidates delved into the Britney/Paris realm and were practically begging for the celebs to come out and play. Paris sounds kind of smart for being such a ridiculous cultural figure. Of course, someone else wrote this for her, but still... Loves it!