Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Our Need To Remain Infinite

In the search to make my story known, keep up with far away friends, and comply with all the technology available to me in the 21st century, I have officially become a cyber child.
Not only do I have this MySpace account, I decided to open another one for my photography. To do that I had to open another email account. I have a work email too. I'm trying to do some photography on the side, so Tim bought me an iBook while I was in Africa, I have a few computers at work and I just found out that you can up load pictures to blogspot....
So that comes to a grand total of....

4 email accounts, 2 MySpace accounts, 1 Blogspot, 5 computers at my disposal, (2 Mac, 3 PC), only 1 cell phone though, 1 home phone, 1 direct line to my desk, 2 digital cameras, one MP3 player, a digital recorder, and a dog named King. (that is just assuming that you all know we have the usual TV, DVD, VCR, stereo setup at home) And since I sit at at least 2 of those computers almost all day long, with my cell phone at my side, I have a constant line to the outside.

Am I really connected, or just absolutely overboard?


Brian said...

I know what you mean. I can't keep all my passwords straight. I do have to admit though checking out peoples blogs has become one of my fequent weekly activities. I love knowing what everyone is up to eventhought I don't always have time to have a chat...or it is the middle of the night and they don't want to chat with me. It is sorta sad but still nice to feel some what conected with the people I care about.

Bailey Mohr said...

I agree! I love being able to hear what you and Brian are up to!