Monday, June 11, 2007

The 48 Hour Film Project

I fell into a little adventure this weekend. There were a bunch of college kids filming this movie over the weekend for The 48 Hour Film Project. I didn't know any of them, but we were all hanging out at the same house and of course got to talking, and I might have let it slip that I do a bit of video editing and the like, and they asked me to help! I was going to be out of town most of Saturday, but I helped them Friday night until about midnight, then came back Saturday night to help edit what they had shot earlier in the day, and after a nail bitter to finish the project on time jumped in the car at 10 to 7 Sunday, (exporting the project to tape as we drove, isn’t technology wonderful) to turn in the project by 7:30. These people had a lot of talent, and it was, as one might say, "Nice to work with proper villains again." I realized I don't know anyone else that really exsists in the AV world as their full time calling in life, and I miss the collaboration and being able to say things like, "render", "export", "timeline", "J-Cut" and have someone know what the heck I'm talking about. So thanks to my new friends for introducing me to this great project, for thinking that I had something to offer and letting me join in the creativity. I can't wait until next year!
To learn more about the 48 Hour Film Festival go to

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