Friday, February 22, 2008


I don't usually use my blog for this kind of thing, but we are out $800 and thought I should tell people, before they get the same royal treatment from Circuit City as we have.

So just before Christmas, my husband and I ordered a video camera as our present from our whole family and to each other, to have for when our baby is born. The box showed up a couple weeks after we ordered it from The FedEx guy put the package on the ground and told my husband to sign for the box. The FedEx guy walked away. When Tim picked up the box he realized it was empty. He called Circuit City with in minutes of getting the empty package. Two months later, 20+ phone conversations with Circuit City and FedEd, where we were told no one higher than the trained monkey who answers the phone would ever talk to us, and they closed the case without telling us! No refund and no camera.

FedEx says that we can't file a claim against them, Circuit City has to do it b/c they are the shipper. Circuit City won't file the claim b/c they have our money and don't have any intention of giving it back.

We told Discover not to pay the bill b/c we never received our order, and they said they would "investigate", but Circuit City is denying that they sent an empty package. FedEx told us to send them the empty box, but won't do anything with it until Circuit City files a claim. Circuit City says it isn't their problem, it FedEx's problem. So we are out $800 and no one from Circuit City, FedEx or Discover gives a darn.

Hope whoever the jerk is who stole our video camera is getting plenty of use out of it. Merry Christmas, you awesome person!

CIRCUIT CITY has despicable costumer service, and I will make sure that everyone we know takes pause before purchasing from there again. If you look up reviews on Circuit City, they are horrible. We weren't the first or the last people to get the a raw deal from them. Don't make the same mistake.
to see other reviews on Circuit City.


Liz said...

i love the icon. did you get that from the website? sorry that they are jerks. if i had lots of money i would buy you a new camera...from best buy!

jess said...

What JERKS!! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that!! That's awful :('

We have a video camera you can borrow if you want for the birth?

The Peterson family said...

oh, my ever livin' word!!!!!!! That is ludicrous. I hope you get a camera before the birth. If not, just take lots and lots of pics.

Just for the record, I don't and won't do business with CC either.

Jake and Liz said...

Wow Bailey...that is awful!!! Unbelievable that no one will help you!! So sorry you're in this mess!

Lara said...

That is unbelievable! They can't help you, I am so sure! That is awful. I am so sorry you are going through this!