Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Baby Shower Columbia

This past weekend, Liz her mom, and my mom and sisters threw me a baby shower. Liz started off the weekend on Saturday afternoon, by surprising me with a massage and pedicure at Kalani. It was amazing. I've never had a professional massage before, and I can safely say, that if I were a millionaire, I would keep a masseuse on staff. We then went to Booche's for dinner and stopped by a new art gallery in Columbia. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Liz and I then ruined our massages that night by playing a few... 3 hours of Wii with Tim and Jon. Another first for me, and I'm pretty much addicted. I kick tail at bowling. :) My Mii girl is pretty cute too.

The shower was perfect. Fun and competitive games, friends I rarely get to see, and Italian Wedding Cake from Upper Crust. Not to mention the high was 75 degrees on the 6th of January. It was amazing! Charlie woke up from her nap just in time to see all the presents Arie Alex received and stole the show with her adorableness.

It was a perfect weekend, with fond new memories. All the new baby stuff motivated Tim and I to come home and organize Airawen's room a little better. It is hard to believe my due date is less than two months away!


Liz said...

I love the pic of you, Tiff, and I...oh wait, I look like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Why was I standing like that? It was totally unflattering. I really do love the pic of you bowling, and me mocking you in the background. You are funny. Oh and cute!

Bailey Mohr said...

You are funny. Oh and cute, too!

The Peterson family said...

Bailey! I saw your blog on Liz Horn's! Congrats on being pregnant and expecting a little girl. Girls are such sweet blessings. We are actually expecting a little girl too in May!!!
-Brooke (Basnett) Peterson