Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pick of the Week: Airawen Alexandra 29 weeks

Here are the latest pictures of my little girl! She uses my ribs as treadmill, my intestines as a punching bag, and gives me the worst acid reflux, and I can't wait to meet her! She is now in the 90th percentile in weight weighing in just over 3lbs, and they said she looks good. We only have about 10 weeks to go and the next two weeks are going to fly by with the holidays. I moved my office from the seminary to home today, which was a huge blessing and an amazing realization of how encouraging and supportive my employers are of Tim and I adding to our family. It is also amazing that I can just type in a couple of things and see all my network drives for work, in about 10 seconds! I love modern technology.

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